Deeego Arts
Price chart
Terms of Service
1- Fees are non-refundable.
2- The Artist sells the Commission to the Client at the agreed value.
3 -Full payments or a 50% up-front fee must be paid before start.
4- Payment method is Paypal
5- No NFT/blockchain and/or AI.

Do's and Don'ts
DO'S: All body typesTTRPG characters, personal characters, Characters for indie projects, partial and full nudity, couple or more interactions (softly sex content), Furry/scally characters
DON'TS : NO AI USE, Snuff stuff, hate violence and speech, homophobic/transphobic or racist characters/ideas. Under age characters in sexual context
Other arts
Comic page
Cover art
Rpg tokens
All theses kind projects have different budgets, send me a message for discussion